Results for 'Dawn Lundy Martin'

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  1.  28
    A bibliometric analysis of privacy and ethics in IEEE Security and Privacy.Jonathan Tse, Dawn E. Schrader, Dipayan Ghosh, Tony Liao & David Lundie - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (2):153-163.
    The increasingly ubiquitous use of technology has led to the concomitant rise of intensified data collection and the ethical issues associated with the privacy and security of that data. In order to address the question of how these ethical concerns are discussed in the literature surrounding the subject, we examined articles published in IEEE Security and Privacy, a magazine targeted towards a general, technically-oriented readership spanning both academia and industry. Our investigation of the intersection between the ethical and technological dimensions (...)
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    Areas of Privacy in Facebook.Katherina Glac, Dawn R. Elm & Kirsten Martin - 2014 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 33 (2-3):147-176.
    Privacy issues surrounding the use of social media sites have been apparent over the past ten years. Use of such sites, particularly Facebook, has been increasing and recently business organizations have begun using Facebook as a means of connecting with potential customers or clients. This paper presents an empirical study of perceived privacy violations to examine factors that influence the expectations of privacy on Facebook. Results of the study suggest that the more important Facebook is to users, the more likely (...)
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  3. Promoting coherent minimum reporting guidelines for biological and biomedical investigations: the MIBBI project.Chris F. Taylor, Dawn Field, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Jan Aerts, Rolf Apweiler, Michael Ashburner, Catherine A. Ball, Pierre-Alain Binz, Molly Bogue, Tim Booth, Alvis Brazma, Ryan R. Brinkman, Adam Michael Clark, Eric W. Deutsch, Oliver Fiehn, Jennifer Fostel, Peter Ghazal, Frank Gibson, Tanya Gray, Graeme Grimes, John M. Hancock, Nigel W. Hardy, Henning Hermjakob, Randall K. Julian, Matthew Kane, Carsten Kettner, Christopher Kinsinger, Eugene Kolker, Martin Kuiper, Nicolas Le Novere, Jim Leebens-Mack, Suzanna E. Lewis, Phillip Lord, Ann-Marie Mallon, Nishanth Marthandan, Hiroshi Masuya, Ruth McNally, Alexander Mehrle, Norman Morrison, Sandra Orchard, John Quackenbush, James M. Reecy, Donald G. Robertson, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Henry Rodriguez, Heiko Rosenfelder, Javier Santoyo-Lopez, Richard H. Scheuermann, Daniel Schober, Barry Smith & Jason Snape - 2008 - Nature Biotechnology 26 (8):889-896.
    Throughout the biological and biomedical sciences there is a growing need for, prescriptive ‘minimum information’ (MI) checklists specifying the key information to include when reporting experimental results are beginning to find favor with experimentalists, analysts, publishers and funders alike. Such checklists aim to ensure that methods, data, analyses and results are described to a level sufficient to support the unambiguous interpretation, sophisticated search, reanalysis and experimental corroboration and reuse of data sets, facilitating the extraction of maximum value from data sets (...)
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    The ethics of using chapter XI as a management strategy.Mahmoud Salem & Opal-Dawn Martin - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (2):95 - 104.
    In the past decade, the use of the Chapter XI has soared to the detriment of many creditors, workers, and consumers. A good number of cases were not based on imminent insolvency, but on firms attempts to avoid litigation claims against them, to terminate labor or other contractual obligations, or to gain new financing.These filings for Chapter XI highlight the use of bank-ruptcy as a strategic option used by management in running a viable organization. This usage is even advised by (...)
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  5. Heidegger Teaching: An analysis and interpretation of pedagogy.Dawn C. Riley - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (8):797-815.
    German philosopher Martin Heidegger stirred educators when in 1951 he claimed teaching is more difficult than learning because teachers must ‘learn to let learn’. However in the main he left the aphorism unexplained as part of a brief four-paragraph, less than two-page set of observations concerning the relationship of teaching to learning; and concluded at the end of those observations that to become a teacher is an ‘exalted matter’. This paper investigates both of Heidegger's claims, interpreting letting learn in (...)
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  6.  11
    Mutuality: a formal norm for Christian social ethics.Dawn M. Nothwehr - 1998 - San Francisco: Catholic Scholars Press.
    This study addresses the nature of the contribution made by Christian feminist thinkers who claim that mutuality is a necessary part of a Christian social ethical framework. The theological method employed is analytical and comparative toward the end of illuminating, testing, and demonstrating the thesis: mutuality is a formal norm for Christian social ethics that functions along with love and justice to promote a balance of power that is required for optimum human flourishing, a flourishing set within the interdependent context (...)
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  7.  23
    Measure for Measure: Condemning the Actor and Not the Fault.Elizabeth G. Epstein, Ashley R. Hurst, Dawn Bourne & Mary Faith Marshall - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (4):66-68.
    Kolbe and de Melo-Martin’s (2023) arguments draw attention to what is most useful about moral distress—identifying its causes is at least as important as measuring its severity. Jameton’s original...
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  8.  31
    To what extent can tomorrow’s doctors prevent organisational failure by speaking up?Martin Powell - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):682-683.
    Daniel Taylor and Dawn Goodwin present a case study of the Morecambe Bay Inquiry (MBI), which examined the high rate of maternal and neonatal deaths over a period of 9 years (2004–2013), within the small maternity unit of Furness General Hospital (FGH), one of the three hospitals comprising Morecambe Bay Hospitals Trust.1 They examine this through a conceptual lens, and provide a solution involving changes in medical education. This commentary explores both these elements. First, they use the lens of (...)
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    Exploration Statt Inspiration.Martin Vöhler - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 51 (1):77-98.
    Hymnic poetry needs inspiration. In the ›Feiertagshymne‹, Hölderlin differentiates several historical stages (night, dawn, holiday), degrees (deficiency, favour, rapture) and representations of inspiration or enthusiasm. The poetological reflexion includes mediating figures (Semele, Dionysos, Christus) and models (Pindar, Klopstock). While the poem turns away from eschatological inspiration it projects, by the simile at the beginning, a gesture of exploration which is followed up later by Hölderlin’s last hymns. For those this poem is of fundamental significance.
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    The Dawn of Historical Reason. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Millán - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):442-444.
    The guiding metaphor of Tuttle's study is borrowed from one of Ortega's uncompleted works and is intended as a contribution to his unfinished philosophical project. It is, then, devoted to an analysis of what it means to think human life as historical existence and to develop a thought-form adequate to this new Being. The thought of Wilhelm Dilthey, Martin Heidegger and Jose Ortega y Gasset is the context within which Tuttle carries out his philosophical delineation and critical analysis of (...)
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  11.  14
    Connected: How Trains, Genes, Pineapples, Piano Keys, and a Few Disasters Transformed Americans at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century by Steven Cassedy (review).John Mariana - 2017 - Environment, Space, Place 9 (2):138-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:138 In 2010 the city of Colorado Springs was strapped for cash. Government officials announced that they would either have to raise revenue through increased taxation or cut public services—­ in some cases rather severely—­ including, perhaps, police and fire protection, and even more basic bits of municipal infrastructure. The city shut down one-­ third of residential streetlights and closed public restrooms. Citi­ zens were outraged, but a majority (...)
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    The Work of Words: Poetry, Language and the Dawn of Community.Ricardo Santos Alexandre - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):497-504.
    This essay explores the ontological movement of poetry, its language and words, by establishing a dialogue with the thought of three Japanese thinkers, Ki no Tsurayuki, Motoori Norinaga and Fujitani Mitsue, and the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. The overall purpose, as we progress from one to the other, is to present, explore and disclose a horizon where poetry gradually becomes the locus of a philosophy of language that places it at the genesis of mutual understanding, ethics and, thus, of (...)
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  13.  31
    At the Edges of Thought: Deleuze and Post-Kantian Philosophy.Craig Lundy & Daniela Voss (eds.) - 2015 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This collection situates Deleuze's work and several of his most important concepts in the context of his post-Kantian predecessors, further illuminating both the breadth of his philosophical heritage and the manner in which he moves beyond it. Through a series of studies by leading scholars in the field, At the Edges of Thought sheds new light on key philosophical encounters with thinkers such as Maimon, Kleist, Hölderlin, Fichte, Hegel, Schopenhauer and Feuerbach in Deleuze's texts. Readers are invited to join with (...)
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  14.  73
    Why wasn't Capitalism born in China? – Deleuze and the Philosophy of Non-Events.Craig A. Lundy - forthcoming - Theory and Event 16 (3).
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    Book Forum.Lundy Braun - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 80:101221.
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  16.  58
    Who Are Our Nomads Today?: Deleuze's Political Ontology and the Revolutionary Problematic.Craig Lundy - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (2):231-249.
    This paper will address the question of the revolution in Gilles Deleuze's political ontology. More specifically, it will explore what kind of person Deleuze believes is capable of bringing about genuine and practical transformation. Contrary to the belief that a Deleuzian programme for change centres on the facilitation of ‘absolute deterritorialisation’ and pure ‘lines of flight’, I will demonstrate how Deleuze in fact advocates a more cautious and incremental if not conservative practice that promotes the ethic of prudence. This will (...)
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  17.  47
    The Necessity and Contingency of Universal History.Craig Lundy - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 10 (1):51-75.
    _ Source: _Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 51 - 75 History occupies a somewhat awkward position in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Although they often criticise history as a practice and advance alternatives that are explicitly anti-historical, such as ‘nomadology’ and ‘geophilosophy’, their scholarship is nevertheless littered with historical encounters and deeply influenced by historians such as Fernand Braudel. One of Deleuze and Guattari’s more significant engagements with history occurs through their reading and theory of universal history. (...)
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  18.  16
    History and Becoming: Deleuze's Philosophy of Creativity.Craig Lundy - 2012 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Explores the nature and relation of history and becoming in the work of Gilles Deleuze. How are we to understand the process of transformation, the creation of the new, and its relation to what has come before? In History and Becoming, Craig Lundy puts forward a series of fresh and provocative responses to this enduring problematic. Through an analysis of Gilles Deleuze's major solo works and his collaborations with Felix Guattari, he demonstrates how history and becoming work together in (...)
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  19.  27
    HIV testing and mental disorder.Simon Lundy - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (2):92-93.
  20.  47
    Authority, Autonomy and Automation: The Irreducibility of Pedagogy to Information Transactions.David Lundie - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (3):279-291.
    This paper draws attention to the tendency of a range of technologies to reduce pedagogical interactions to a series of datafied transactions of information. This is problematic because such transactions are always by definition reducible to finite possibilities. As the ability to gather and analyse data becomes increasingly fine-grained, the threat that these datafied approaches over-determine the pedagogical space increases. Drawing on the work of Hegel, as interpreted by twentieth century French radical philosopher Alexandre Kojève, this paper develops a model (...)
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  21. Systemic functional adaptedness and domain-general cognition: broadening the scope of evolutionary psychology.Michael Lundie - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (1):8.
    Evolutionary psychology tends to be associated with a massively modular cognitive architecture. On this framework of human cognition, an assembly of specialized information processors called modules developed under selection pressures encountered throughout the phylogenic history of hominids. The coordinated activity of domain-specific modules carries out all the processes of belief fixation, abstract reasoning, and other facets of central cognition. Against the massive modularity thesis, I defend an account of systemic functional adaptedness, according to which non-modular systems emerged because of adaptive (...)
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  22.  29
    Deleuze in China: Editors' Introduction.Craig Lundy & Paul Patton - 2013 - Theory and Event 16 (3):301-301.
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    Deleuze's Bergsonism.Craig Lundy - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    The first book dedicated to Gilles Deleuze's seminal study of Henri Bergson's philosophyHenri Bergson is widely accepted as one of the most significant thinkers for Gilles Deleuze's work. It is also frequently noted that Deleuze is largely responsible for having revived and contoured the prevailing interest in Bergson's work. Craig Lundy gives readers of Deleuze and Bergson an opportunity to discover and fully connect with an encounter that continues to exert enormous influence over the course of contemporary thought.Key FeaturesProvides (...)
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  24.  15
    The Call for a New Earth, a New People: An Untimely Problem.Craig Lundy - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (2):119-139.
    In their final book, Deleuze and Guattari state that the practice of philosophy ‘calls for a future form, for a new earth and people that do not yet exist’. This call is deeply problematic: aside from its aristocratic overtones, it is difficult to ascertain what it might sound like, how to give it voice, and what might come of it. But it is also problematic in form. In this paper I will explain how. After investigating its genesis in Deleuze’s engagements (...)
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  25.  62
    Deleuze and Guattari's Historiophilosophy: Philosophical Thought and its Historical Milieu.Craig Lundy - 2011 - Critical Horizons 12 (2):115-135.
    This paper will examine the relation between philosophical thought and the various milieus in which such thought takes place using the late work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. It will argue that their assessment of this relation involves a rearticulation of philosophy as an historiophilosophy. To claim that Deleuze and Guattari promote such a form of philosophy is contentious, as their work is often noted for implementing an ontological distinction between becoming and history, whereby the former is associated with (...)
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  26.  62
    The Givenness of the Human Learning Experience and Its Incompatibility with Information Analytics.David Lundie - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (4).
    The rise of learning analytics, the application of complex metrics developed to exploit the proliferation of ‘Big Data’ in educational work, raises important moral questions about the nature of what is measurable in education. Teachers, schools and nations are increasingly held to account based on metrics, exacerbating the tendency for fine-grained measurement of learning experiences. In this article, the origins of learning analytics ontology are explored, drawing upon core ideas in the philosophy of computing, such as the general definition of (...)
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  27.  20
    Issues of validity: Exploring the link between values and behaviour.David Lundie, Victoria Blinkhorn & Cathal O’Siochru - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (1):108-118.
    ABSTRACT The way we measure values is foundational to their study. This paper explores the empirical findings and theoretical discussions in the literature concerning an essential quality for any measure of values, its validity. We discuss an important debate on validity within the literature concerning the ability of value measures to predict value-related behaviour. We interrogate a key assumption behind the value-behaviour link, namely that a participant’s responses on a valid value measure will predict their behaviour. Ultimately, we make the (...)
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  28.  17
    After history; after postmodernism?David Lundie - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1570-1571.
  29.  38
    Ecosemiotics and the Creation of Metaphor.James C. Lundy - 1997 - Semiotics:288-299.
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  30.  42
    Emerging from the Depths: On the Intensive Creativity of Historical Events.Craig Lundy - 2010 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 18 (1):67-85.
    This paper will explore the possibility of a creative philosophy of history in the work of Gilles Deleuze. It will do so by focusing on Deleuze’s concepts of ‘intensity’ and ‘depth’, as discussed in his seminal work Difference and Repetition . By analysing these concepts in light of several historical thinkers whom Deleuze significantly draws upon (Bergson, Péguy and Braudel), I will show in this paper how Deleuze promotes a theory of history that is not opposed to his philosophy of (...)
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  31.  19
    Ethical Issues in Family Medicine.Simon Lundy - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (2):98-99.
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    Ethics -- the Heart of Health Care.Simon Lundy - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (1):52-52.
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  33. Methods to identify and address the ethical issues associated with managed care.Courtnee Lundy - 2006 - Penn Bioethics Journal 2 (2):3-7.
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    Reforming the Use of Race in Medical Pedagogy.Barry F. Saunders & Lundy Braun - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (9):50-52.
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    Deleuze’s political vision.Craig Lundy - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (3):417-421.
  36.  28
    She Understood Him: “All Too Well”.James C. Lundy - 1988 - Semiotics:34-37.
  37.  32
    The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child: Relevance and Application to Pediatric Clinical Bioethics.Gerison Lansdown, Laura Lundy & Jeffrey Goldhagen - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (3):252-266.
    The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child is among the most comprehensive of all international human rights covenants. It was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1989, following a decade of discussion and debate relating to its content, and has now been ratified by every nation in the world except the United States. This level of endorsement and broad acceptance of its provisions establishes the articles of the CRC as global norms for the treatment of children and (...)
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    From a Pragmatist’s Point of View.Ernest G. Rigney & Timothy C. Lundy - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (1).
    In 1914, on the eve of the Great War, the eminent scholar and polymath, Theodore Merz, published what would be the final volume of his magisterial history of nineteenth-century European thought. A belated review of this volume appeared in the April 1918 issue of the American Historical Review. This particular review, though favorable, was inexplicably unsigned. Our paper offers compelling evidence that the author of this unsigned review was George H. Mead, the pragmatist philosopher from the University of Chicago. The (...)
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  39.  74
    A Theory of Motivation and Ontological Enhancement: The role of disability policy in student empowerment and institutional change.David Lundie - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (5):539-552.
    As debate continues around the nature and values of education, it is important to ask the question of what factors motivate a student to engage with the ends of an educational institution. In this paper, a broad, holistic view of learner motivation, derived from Aristotelian ethics, is used to provide a model to drive institutional change. Focussing on the approach of one Higher Education institution to the particular accommodations required for students with disabilities, the paper identifies three factors which motivate (...)
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  40.  39
    Bergson’s method of problematisation and the pursuit of metaphysical precision.Craig Lundy - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (2):31-44.
    The aim of this paper is to excavate and analyse Henri Bergson’s “problematic” thinking. This task will be prosecuted through a close reading of his two-part introduction to The Creative Mind – the text in which Bergson most concisely and conclusively articulates the “problematic” character of his work. As I will attempt to show in this paper, Bergson’s work is “problematic” in two respects, one to do with methodology and the other metaphysics. These two, furthermore, are intimately entwined: on the (...)
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  41.  50
    Darwinian Domain-Generality: The Role of Evolutionary Psychology in the Modularity Debate.Michael Lundie - unknown
    Evolutionary Psychology (EP) tends to be associated with a Massively Modular (MM) cognitive architecture. I argue that EP favors a non-MM cognitive architecture. The main point of dispute is whether central cognition, such as abstract reasoning, exhibits domain-general properties. Partisans of EP argue that domain-specific modules govern central cognition, for it is unclear how the cognitive mind could have evolved domain-generality. In response, I defend a distinction between exogenous and endogenous selection pressures, according to which exogenous pressures tend to select (...)
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  42.  44
    Report about a conversation with Ian Boyd.John Lundy - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (2):246-249.
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    Response to moralising judgements.S. Lundy - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (4):215-215.
  44.  63
    Could robots become authentic companions in nursing care?Theodore A. Metzler, Lundy M. Lewis & Linda C. Pope - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (1):36-48.
    Creating android and humanoid robots to furnish companionship in the nursing care of older people continues to attract substantial development capital and research. Some people object, though, that machines of this kind furnish human–robot interaction characterized by inauthentic relationships. In particular, robotic and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have been charged with substituting mindless mimicry of human behaviour for the real presence of conscious caring offered by human nurses. When thus viewed as deceptive, the robots also have prompted corresponding concerns regarding (...)
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  45. Foundation and poetry. Heidegger as a reader of Hölderlin.Francesca Brencio - 2014 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 1 (1).
    Around 1930, Martin Heidegger approached Hölderlin’s poetry, welcoming his solicitations and hints in order to redeem the experience of the usage of language after the linguistic interruption of Being and Time that showed him the poverty of metaphysical language. Linguistic poverty is closely linked to metaphysical poverty and to the historical and destiny-related impossibility to grasp Being. From the 1930s onwards, the issue concerning the sense of Being becomes for Heidegger an issue concerning the sense of language. Heidegger appears (...)
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  46.  16
    Women, Pregnancy, and Health Information Online: The Making of Informed Patients and Ideal Mothers.Nicole Smith Dahmen, Lisa Lundy, Jennifer Ellis West & Felicia Wu Song - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (5):773-798.
    While the Internet has emerged as a significant resource for women negotiating the questions and circumstances that arise during conception, pregnancy and childbirth, it remains unclear what role the Internet plays in challenging the current biomedical paradigm and empowering women to make meaningful choices. This article explores how women use the Internet to manage their pregnancies and mediate their doctor–patient relationships, particularly examining the role of social class and personal health history in shaping such Internet use. Drawing from in-depth interviews (...)
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  47.  56
    Philosophies of Digital Pedagogy.David Lewin & David Lundie - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (3):235-240.
  48.  36
    Educating Global Britain: Perils and Possibilities Promoting ‘National’ Values through Critical Global Citizenship Education.Philip Bamber, Andrea Bullivant, Alison Clark & David Lundie - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (4):433-453.
    Global citizenship education (GCE) within schools in England is increasingly being reoriented to address a statutory duty to promote fundamental British values (FBV). This multi-method study investigates the influence of critical GCE within initial teacher education in reshaping awareness, understanding and disposition towards FBV amongst beginning teachers. Findings highlight a tension between growing confidence and understanding of how to implement the FBV agenda and the development of autonomous dispositions of the kind demanded for the practice of critical GCE. Four teacher (...)
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  49.  41
    The Potential Value of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in Pediatric Bioethics Settings.Michael Da Silva, Cheryl D. Lew, Laura Lundy, Kellie R. Lang, Irene Melamed & Randi Zlotnik Shaul - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (3):290-305.
    In this article, we examine how the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child can be useful in pediatric bioethics. Adopted in 1989, the CRC reflects norms that have been deliberated upon for a long period of time and endorsed by most nations. The United States is now the only country that has not ratified the CRC.1 International human rights law shares many key moral concepts with clinical pediatric bioethics, and the CRC provides a considered language common to many (...)
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    A survey of the history of the Roman world - (g.) Fisher the Roman world from Romulus to Muhammad. A new history. Pp. XXIV + 704, b/w & colour ills, maps. London and new York: Routledge, 2022. Paper, £34.99, us$46.95 (cased, £120, us$160). Isbn: 978-0-415-84287-7 (978-0-415-84286-0 hbk). [REVIEW]Steve Lundy - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):609-611.
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